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Summer Skin

The first official day of summer is almost here! By now your skin has not only survived the wreched winter we endured, but it has felt the warmth of the Summer sun.

Here are a few tips to keep your skin healthy, protected and glowing during this summer season.


Always, always, always wear sunscreen! Protection against the suns rays is key in keeping your skin healthy. Try to find a sunscreen that includes vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants so that not only are you being protected, but well nourished as well.

When applying sunscreen, don't put too much stock in the number on the front of the bottle. It has a lot less to do with proper protection than you may think. The key is to apply sunscreen at regular intervals throughout your sun soaking. Most especially, if you sweat or take a quick dip to cool off, even waterproof sunscreen can break down.


Sunscreen can feel like a greasy glop of excess sitting on your skin, but the sweat and sun you experience in hot months can dramatically dry you out. It's important for you skin to stay well moisturized, again with vitamins and minerals as well to stay nourished and healthy. The sun can strip your skin of it's most vital nutrients and actually "burn" them off. If you are suseptable to particularly oily skin during these sweaty months try something lighter and oil free, but continue to keep in mind all skin types need moisture.


Wait, smoothies? Really? YES! Fruit smoothies high in antioxidants (blackberries, blueberries, cranberries) help to neutralize the skin damaging free radicals we absorb from the sun. Did we mention it's a tasty way to be healthy

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