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The Message is Clear. You can Save Your Life.

Did you know that if breast cancer is detected early then 95 percent of those diagnosed would live? This is a huge deal considering 200,000 people will be diagnosed this year. Instead of 43,000 people dying as is the case now, if people got their mammograms and caught breast cancer early, 190,000 would live.

I know this. You know this. So why is it that more than 13 million American women age 40+ have never had a mammogram to screen for the disease? Why are younger women putting off their first instead of hurrying to get their baseline so they know? Why?

We have to stop feeling squeamish or scared and be brave. We have to make our health a priority.

That's why throughout October, as part of our annual Show Your Strength program, we're going to help spark the conversation around breast cancer, early detection, mammograms, and risk reduction. We're going to arm our clients with information and have candid conversations about why early detection is so important, what we can do to lose the fear around mammograms and get comfortable with all things boob-related, and talk about how cancer has impacted our lives.

We're also going to partner with the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester (BCCR) to provide messages of love, support, and hope to women who are newly diagnosed with the disease. Pink hair extensions ($15) and a special Signature pedicure ($75) with free manicure will also be available to purchase with all proceeds donated locally to BCCR to fund research and education.

We're doing this because we are a group of women who care about women. Please help us support this very important cause.

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